PHONE NO : 044 2223 5927 044 2223 7763
MOBILE NO : 098843 05698
EMAIL ID : contact@olivepublicschool.in
WEB SITE : www.olivepublicschool.in
We are living in an accelerating world of change in every area of life. We in Olive Public School believe that such changes call for new ways of learning and thinking if we are to thrive in the world during the eras to come. The directions our society is taking and the future of our planet demands such new minds able to explore creative alternatives for problems that cannot be anticipated.
We educate for understanding. We define understanding as the capacity (knowledge, skills, concepts, and facts) learned in the school context, SHOULD be used in a new context in a place where the child has not been forewarned that he should make use of that knowledge.
Hence we at Olive public school strongly believe and thrust our teachers to identify rich ideas, explore them in multiple ways and give students much opportunity to assess their own learning, that there is a chance for education for understanding. The opportunity for education for understanding is not going to be seized unless we people think differently about what school can be like, what can be studied, how it can be taught and how it can be learned. After all, the important goal of education is to help children use their minds better and their intelligence for good.
Welcome to Olive Public School, a community where parents, faculty and staff join to provide a nurturing environment that allows children to grow and discover their place in the world. Our mission is to encourage independent, self-directed learning for life in a child-centered community valuing peace, respect for others, and pride in individual differences.
The most important “things” in a child’s environment are stable, loving, attentive adults. Our stimulating environment and a scientifically based curriculum nurture the roots to lay the foundation to help every child excel in all phases of life.
To enable, energize and teach every child to acquire new skills and to help the child along to the next step in development.
To make a child feel successful by nurturing attitudes and capacities for future learning thereby enabling the young minds explore their true potential.
We are a hardworking community, proud of our cultural tolerance and our ability to respect diversity. The students are the main strength of the school, closely followed by the staff. We strive to be international in our outlook, though selective in our curriculum. Our aims and values reflect those, though we are distinctively different. We link, in our affiliations, to schools and have staffs that are multi cultural in outlook and in its continuous professional development and training. Our curriculum, from the Foundation Stage through to the Secondary level, draws on practical contexts. Our pedagogy lines up with the best of enquiry-based learning and critical thinking.
We follow the CBSE from primary to the end of secondary. We use the NCERTs assessments to monitor students’ progress, to support and challenge them, to recognize potential and any under-achievement and benchmark ourselves against leading private and state schools in India. Our staff frequently goes on training programs to learn the latest trends in the field of education. All such trainings are made to benefit the students: we exist for them and constantly re-evaluate what we do in the light of their changing circumstances.
We are Indian in Soul which has a closely-connected and vibrant feel to it, one that is akin to the Indian extended family at its best. We support the development of our diverse country for all who wish to study amongst a community that promotes Indian cultures throughout the school as well as the best traditions of participation and democracy. Our Indian staff as well as a core of local students from various states ensures that the values, culture and traditions of India are always at the fore.
To help your child develop emotional and social skills by providing personal care that foster a since of security and well being.
To partner with parents to enable them to experience their child’s delight aiding them to come back to their adult world with a new perspective.
The Olive Public School has air-conditioned classrooms; both for the Nursery and the Primary School. In July 2010, the Nursery block was refurbished and was connected to the main block providing more space for the school. The Primary School is situated in the main campus together with the Nursery School (for 2- 3 1/2 year olds).
Spread across an area of more than an acre, the main campus is set amidst a calm and serene atmosphere with playing fields which includes a Tennis court, Skating track, Basket Ball court. It is home to the secondary classrooms; a library; two newly-equipped science laboratories; facilities for learning support, a large multi-purpose auditorium/common room for senior Grade students; cafeteria; as well as a new administrative office.
There are spacious and well ventilated and air-conditioned classrooms catering for class group sizes of 30 to 40 students. In addition, there is a well equipped library for Learning Support. The students have controlled access to multimedia and the internet. The Primary School makes active use of the auditorium and playing fields in the main campus for games and assemblies.
The School provides students with a supportive yet challenging learning environment. It has air-conditioned classrooms which have recently been refurbished with new furniture and an external covered play area for outdoor activity. The use of SmartBoards (Interactive Promethean Boards) enables teachers to skillfully incorporate experiential learning into classroom teaching.
The multi-purpose auditorium hosts assemblies, stage performances / rehearsals, parent evenings and indoor sports.
Air-conditioned computer rooms allow every student access to terminal during classes and enable effective learning across the computer curriculum. It is planned to have the entire school campus as fully wi fi to allow for easy access to information by students and staff.
The auditorium is also a creative hub and provide space for a wide range of activities including drawing, painting, artwork and design.
The library houses a variety of books, reference texts, magazines and journals.
Sports facilities include playing field for handball, netball and softball. In addition, there are courts for skating, basketball, tennis and volleyball.
he health of each student is a priority to us. Not only as a concern for their general wellbeing but because the health of a child is an important factor in the learning process.
The Nursery and Primary Schools have a arrangement with the Bethesda Children Hospital which is fully staffed with child specialist doctors and Nurses are available during school hours to administer first aid and basic nursing care to any student injured or feeling unwell. The Hospital also undertakes height, weight and basic visual acuity tests of each child on an annual basis. In addition to their routine nursing duties the Hospital is actively involved in all aspects of school life, including school trips, sports days and health education.
The First Aid Kit available in the school carries emergency medicines for use in case of minor illness. The school has an arrangement with Bethesda Hospital for the immediate treatment and/or admission of both students and staff in case of a medical emergency. The hospital is located five minutes away from the school and an ambulance is available at the Hospital premises at all times.
We take the security of our school and students very seriously. As a result we regularly review our security practices, both inside and outside the school grounds and building. Whether our students are in class, on a school trip or at a sports day, we implement strict security measures to protect them at all times.
The security services are outsourced to registered security group. The building and the perimeter wall is of maximum height permitted by the local authorities to prevent unauthorized entry to any part of the school.
Regular supervisory visits from the security organization as well as regular local Police visits are made at a regular period. It is planned to conduct Regular fire drills inside the school building.
All parents and visitors must sign in the entry register kept at the security office. There are no exceptions.
All visitors are required to wait at the office and are met by the person responsible for the appointment, if the guards have previous information about an appointment, visitors are asked to proceed to the Reception area where they are picked up and escorted by the relevant staff. No-one is allowed entry without an appointment and the guards only allow anyone in after checking with the concerned staff.
Both the gates remain locked throughout the day. One guard is posted at the main entrance at the main school building. One guard is posted at the Gate near the Nursery block. Regular daily and night patrols take place, both inside and outside the grounds.
To avoid suspicion parent vehicles parked outside the school shall avoid parking for any lengthy period of time (i.e. more than a few hours). Staffs vehicles if parked inside the school grounds are also required to have the same parking pass. The parking passes are issued by the School Office in the main school building, upon completion of a form that identifies the car or vehicle registration number and personal contact details of the owner. Generally we do not allow any vehicles inside the campus unless it is a school authorized vehicle transporting children of the school.
In case of an emergency, the following facilities and resources (outside the school) will be used:
Bethesda Specialty Hospital (5 minutes drive from the school).
Police Department.
Fire Department.
Random checks are conducted daily by representatives of the Security Organization and feedback is given to the Security Manager.
Restricted entry into the school premises.
ID cards for employees.
registers for staff and visitors.
Entry passes.
Release of Nursery students to listed/ authorized caregivers.
Fire extinguishers for each floor at strategic locations.
We aim to develop the next generation to become responsible, influential and inspiring leaders. One of the greatest challenges we are facing as a population is environmental change. It is our aim to instill a sense of awareness in children today, from the youngest Nursery to the oldest Primary student, so that they can start to reduce their carbon footprint and help to protect the earth for tomorrow. We believe that awareness needs to be accompanied by the ability to take informed action, both locally and on global issues.
We have introduced a new initiative called "MOTHER EARTH" which will allow for a stronger and more sustainable commitment of students across the Secondary School to a genuine outreach program. The initiative will be led and planned by students of the school who will be interacting with NGOs that deal with environmental issues.
Conscious of our carbon footprint, we are committed to making the Olive Public School an environmentally sustainable or 'green' school, as far as we can. We aspire to get associated with NGOs and passionate environmentalists to run the Environment Club at school. The environment is about people, places, and spaces, not just the physical environment. We believe in the power of education in helping young people to shape their future environments in an informed and socially just manner.
It is not only our high standard of academics, diverse curriculum and inclusive approach that make us special, it is our people. The synergy between our teachers, students and parents defines the school in many ways and strengthens the warmth and welcoming nature of our community.
Students ranging from kindergarten to higher grade make the school come alive. Our dedicated and talented staff knows each student and follows their achievements and progress with genuine care and interest. As a future initiative, the school will also have an active and participative parent body called the Parent School Organization (PSO) which will be instrumental in organizing many events.
As a School with an Indian soul, we aspire to bring together Indian families and to create a unique learning environment. It could be a community like no other, as we welcome you to join our special family.
Welcome to Olive Public School and thank you for visiting our school online. I am delighted you have found your way to this page and hope that as you explore you will develop a sense of dynamic, creative, and caring place Olive Public School (OPS) is, and that you will come and visit us in person soon.
Ours is a spirited, happy, and hard-working learning community where experiential and disciplined inquiry is an integral part of every student's experience. OPS is committed to a strong academic program that engages students cognitively, physically, and creatively in meaningful learning experiences, while also engaging their emotions as they learn about themselves, their individual learning styles, and how to relate to others. Our students are empowered to make choices, to work hard to overcome challenges, and to engage deeply and meaningfully in a curriculum centered classrooms.
Our mission is founded on the idea that mutual respect should inform our relationships, and that students are empowered by making decisions and exercising developmentally appropriate degrees of responsibility for their own learning and self-direction.
At OPS the students are confident and compassionate, with an ability to advocate and lead. Such skills emerge from being able to think critically, to solve problems and to work both independently and collaboratively in a multi-age environment. At OPS, we not only prepare students with skills and knowledge, but also intentionally encourage stewards of our world, who can live happy, fulfilling lives. Our students learn about the complexity of a world where our interdependencies demand sensitivity to culture.
Our school-home partnership helps children build a strong understanding of themselves as learners. This partnership also helps instill in students a sense of responsibility to themselves and to their community. Our aim is that children leaving The Olive Public School see and value both the common threads which connect us to others and the breadth of differences in our larger world.
Student learning occurs all over the campus and throughout the city and world. We foster a commitment to service with projects on campus, as well as local and global organizations. We expect our students to acquire the advocacy skills that contribute to a more peaceful world, respecting diversity and the environment. Please look at our mission and philosophy and most important, come share time with us.
Priya Ajith, MSc, MPhil, BEd, Principal
The Academic Board has four members currently.
The Board has three purposes:
to set the strategic direction for the school;
to ensure financial, legal and ethical probity; and
when necessary to appoint and provide guidance to the School Principal and oversee his/her performance
The leadership and management of the school is the responsibility of The School Principal, as is all staffing matters including hiring and dismissals. The Principal reports to the Board but is given delegated authority by the Board for all managerial matters.
The number of Committees has been rationalised to three:
Strategy – to define the strategic goals of the school and to develop the strategic plan and monitor its implementation. This group is also the one that develops and reviews the policies framework for the school;
Buildings and Land Use – to oversee the development of the new school buildings. This may revert to a Working Group once the building program is completed; and
Finance – to oversee the budgetary development process and budgetary implementation.
A Working Group exists on personnel matters, to help the school with its staffing strategy. All Working Groups are of finite duration and will cease to exist when the period of their main activity is complete.
The School Management Committee(SMC) works in close partnership with the Academic Board to set and implement the strategic direction for the school in line with the school's agreed mission, vision and values. The team is in charge of all operational matters in the school and reports to the Academic Board through the School Principal
The Parent School Organization will be established by a group of parents, with it's objective being 'to support and enrich activities of The Olive Public School by developing effective relationships and communication between the staff, parents and students of the school body'. Working closely with the senior management team, administration and teachers, the PSO organizes, spearheads and assists in various activities throughout the academic year, its focus clearly being enhancing students' life and promoting an overall spirit of oneness and intellectual understanding amongst the school community at large.
All parents / guardians of The Olive Public School are eligible to be members of the PSO.
The PSO Coordinating team will consist of a Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, two Primary School Representatives and two Secondary School Representatives.
However, the PSO does not duplicate the work of the Board of Governors; does not make any policies for school and most importantly is not a grievance body.
The Student Council and the leadership programme helps develop strong leadership skills and give student voice a genuine place in the running of the school. Members of the prestigious Student Council are drawn from Years 10 and 12(Grade 6 and Grade 7) and are elected through fiercely contested elections. They receive leadership training and work to support staff and students.
Events are planned thoroughly and issues relating to school and student matters are discussed in a focused environment. Regular meetings are held throughout the term and the council report regularly to the leadership team with areas to discuss.
A budget is allocated to the Council which gives them further responsibilities for planning and organisation. The Student Council and Co-Council members(selected Teachers) are given the responsibility of looking after student welfare and enrichment through organising activities like Sports Day, Cross Country, Dances, Back to School for parents, Battle of the school houses, Teachers’ Day assembly, Teacher/ Student Quiz, Workers’ Appreciation Day, Christmas, Diwali and Ramadan celebration, Blue Print magazine, Year Book
The Student Council members are elected by all the Key Stage 2 students casting their votes (August of every year).
In 2011, the student body decided to have a mascot to give visibility to team strength and togetherness and the school spirit especially during their inter-school events and competitions.
The Cheetah was a natural choice for epitomising grace, speed and endurance which are so essential in any game or sport.
All students (except for Nursery) and teaching and administrative staff belong to a ‘house”. This House system enables students of different ages to work together in cultural and sporting activities, encourages healthy competition and builds a strong school spirit and sense of belonging.
There are four houses differentiated by house colours. These are
Gladiator - Yellow
Terminator - Red
Predator - Navy Blue
Creator - Green
The School Parliament, consisting of class representatives is being developed to become a significant part of the student leadership programme. The student Parliament works with the Student Council and an open forum is created during registration time when issues can be discussed. This is an area that is being strengthened to help students understand the true meaning of responsibility and accountability.