E-Annex Ultra live Impex

Naveen S | March 18, 2023, 6:34 p.m.

E-Annex Ultra live Impex

An intelligent solution for the CHA community that enable simplify the day to day operations. The solution is holistic to take care of all front desk operations, both for Import and Export operations. The Dataflow interchange is fully integrated with Indian Customs.

A Holistic Solution

 Complete custom clearance documentation
 Compliant with Single window Customs Clearance
 Prepare & file Shipping Bill & Bill of entry
 Filling of Home consumption/ Warehouse/Ex-Bond type BE
 Generate customs compliance reports
 System integrated with Digital Signature

Delivering Efficient and Effective Operating environment

 Simplified processes and increased work flow efficiency
 Company-wide visibility at all times
 Removes duplicate work and increases productivity
 Better customer communication
 Increase revenue and profitability

 Simplifying interaction with Customs and other Regulatory bodies

Keywords: egm software freight forwarding customs software edi software scmtr software. cha software accounts module igm software hans infomatic Eannex Logistics

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