Exim Alert Institute of Logistics

Exim Alert Institute of Logistics is offering online classes from May 1st, 2023 on the following topics:
- Understanding Notifications / Circulars
- Replying to Notice/Demand Notice/Show Cause Notice
- Grant and non-grant of exemption under various aspects
- Reasons accepted for condonation of delay by Tribunal
- Limitation under various circumstances
- Part delivery of FCL import consignment
- AEO & its eligibility with Benefits
- Procedure to get & renewal of self-sealing
- Procedure for allowing imported goods for job work under IGCR
- Procedure for allowing imported goods for unit transfer under IGCR
- Procedure for supplying imported goods to the end use recipient
- Procedure for Handling (Storage, Transport and Examination) of Un-claimed, Un-cleared, Suspicious and Detained Import Containers lying at various CFSs/Port area
- Amendment of seal number in IGM
- Re-sealing of containers with broken / absence / mismatch of seal including tampered seal to be followed at Port Terminals
- Movement of goods under ATA & TIR Carnets
- Cancellation of Bond furnished for the Special Valuation Branch Investigation purpose
- Clearance of containers from CFS Gates after Out of Charge given by Proper Officers of Customs
- Procedure to deal with various cases/tasks in EDI Section
- Procedure to be followed by Investigation Units and Adjudication Unit
- Revocation of Suspended OOC of BE in ICES System
- Extension of BE & SB Numbers
To enroll or learn more, please contact:
Mobile: 9043575263
Website: www.eximalert.in
Additionally, the Customs Book - Edition 2023 (Part I & Part II) is available.